Our original constitution was drafted in French and governs how our group operates. You may find the English translation and the original in French below.
Section Subtitle
Constitution dated 1982 as amended on 22.11.2023
(rough translation into English)
Please see Original French Constitution for official Statutes
Preliminary note: further statutory changes are being processed in order to reflect the new law on ASBL of 7 August 2023
New World Theatre Club
Association sans but lucratif
I.Name, Seat and Aim
Art. 1. The association is called the New World Theatre Club (NWTC) asbl.
Art. 2. The seat is established in Luxembourg at a point designated by the Committee
Art. 3. The aim of the Club is to promote all forms of Anglophone theatrical activity.
II.Members and Honorary Members
Art. 4. The minimum number of Members is 5.
Art. 5. Anyone who wishes to be and agrees to accept the constitution and the decisions of the Committee, is eligible to be a Member. Membership is certified by a copy of a bank virement or a receipt issued by the Club. Anyone who wishes to be and agrees to accept the constitution and the decisions of the Committee about their membership, is eligible to be an Honorary Member. However Honorary Members do not have any of the voting rights of Ordinary Members.
Art. 6. Membership is lost by:
a letter of resignation to the Committee;
not paying membership dues within 3 months of their due date;
expulsion for serious reasons given by the Committee and approved by a General Meeting.
III.General Meetings
Art. 7. A General Meeting will be held each year in June. A meeting can also be convened by the Committee or, within a month, on the request of 20% of the membership.
Art. 8. The quorum for a General Meeting to take place is 15% of ordinary members.
Art. 9. Members must be informed by written notice about General Meetings, two weeks in advance. The mailing must include the agenda. Resolutions which are not on the agenda can only be considered if two thirds of the members present at the General Meeting agree to vote on them. This excludes cases expressly regulated by the law of 21 April 1928.
Art. 10. All members may be represented at a General Meeting by another member with written authorisation. Any member may represent two (2) absent members.
Art. 11. The decisions of the General Meeting will be brought to the attention of Members and others by written notice via any printed and/or electronic media deemed acceptable by the current committee and/or recorded in the meeting minutes held available for consultation at the registered office of the a.s.b.l. and/or the Club website.
IV.The Committee
Art. 12. The Club is administered by a Committee of between 5 and 15 members, chosen at a
General Meeting and holding their position until the next General Meeting. Retiring Committee Members can be reappointed. The General Meeting must also approve the choice of an auditor, whose mandate expires at the next General Meeting, but who can be reappointed. If there are vacancies, the committee can re-place members provisionally until the next General Meeting. It can also co-opt members as long as the total number of committee members does not exceed the maximum given above.
Art. 13. The Committee will choose a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer from amongst its members. It will establish internal procedures to ensure that its work proceeds smoothly.
Art. 14. The Committee holds all the powers for the administration and management of the Club not expressly reserved to the General Assembly by law or by statute. In this framework, the Committee can in particular unilaterally sign contracts and dispose of the goods and assets of the Club, confer such powers on others of its choice, members or non-members, and take legal action to either protect or defend the Club’s rights. The signatures of two Committee members are needed to commit the Club in this way.
Art. 15. The annual subscription, which must not exceed EUR 200, will be fixed by the General Meeting.
Art. 16. The Committee will present the accounts annually to the General Meeting for its approval.
Art. 17. If the Club is dissolved the General Meeting will decide what is to happen to its assets, giving preference to activities connected to its aims.
18. Everything which is not covered by the provisions above is governed by the law of 21 April 1928 regulating asbls, a copy of which is available to all members.
Dated 1982 as amended on 22.11.2023
(rough translation into English)
This includes formal statutory changes made to reflect the Luxembourg Law governing ASBLs as of 7 August 2023 found here.
New World Theatre Club
Association sans but lucratif
I. Name, Seat and Aim
Art. 1. The association is called the New World Theatre Club (NWTC) asbl.
Art. 2. The seat is established in Luxembourg at a point designated by the Committee
Art. 3. The aim of the Club is to promote all forms of Anglophone theatrical activity. To this end it
can organise theatre workshops and theatre presentations, and can initiate or attend exchanges
and meetings on the subject of theatre, either in Luxembourg or abroad, as well as carry out any
other activities directly or indirectly linked to theatre, either for its own account or for the account
of a third party, and either on its own or jointly with others.
II. Members and Honorary Members
Art. 4. The minimum number of Members is 5.
Art. 5. Anyone who wishes to be and agrees to accept the constitution and the decisions of the
Committee, is eligible to be a Member. Membership is certified by a copy of a bank virement or
a receipt issued by the Club. Anyone who wishes to be and agrees to accept the constitution
and the decisions of the Committee about their membership, is eligible to be an Honorary
Member. However Honorary Members do not have any of the voting rights of Ordinary
Art. 6. Membership is lost by:
a) a letter of resignation to the Committee;
b) not paying membership dues within 3 months of their due date;
c) expulsion for serious reasons given by the Committee and approved by a General Meeting.
III. General Meetings
Art. 7. A General Meeting will be held each year in June. A meeting can also be convened by
the Committee or, within a month, on the request of 20% of the membership.
Art. 8. The quorum for a General Meeting to take place is 15% of ordinary members.
Art. 9. Members must be informed by written notice about General Meetings, two weeks in
advance. The mailing must include the agenda. Resolutions which are not on the agenda can
only be considered if two thirds of the members present at the General Meeting agree to vote on
them. This excludes cases expressly regulated by the law of 7 August 2023.
Art. 10. All members may be represented at a General Meeting by another member with written
authorisation. Any member may represent two (2) absent members.
Art. 11. The decisions of the General Meeting will be brought to the attention of Members and
others by written notice via any printed and/or electronic media deemed acceptable by the
current committee and/or recorded in the meeting minutes held available for consultation at the
registered office of the a.s.b.l. and/or the Club website.
IV. The Committee
Art. 12. The Club is administered by a Committee of between 5 and 15 members, chosen at a
General Meeting and holding their position until the next General Meeting. Retiring Committee
Members can be reappointed. The General Meeting must also approve the choice of an auditor,
whose mandate expires at the next General Meeting, but who can be reappointed. If there are
vacancies, the committee can re-place members provisionally until the next General Meeting. It
can also co-opt members as long as the total number of committee members does not exceed
the maximum given above.
Art. 13. The Committee will choose a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer from amongst its
members. It will establish internal procedures to ensure that its work proceeds smoothly.
Art. 14. The Committee holds all the powers for the administration and management of the Club
not expressly reserved to the General Assembly by law or by statute. In this framework, the
Committee can in particular unilaterally sign contracts and dispose of the goods and assets of
the Club, confer such powers on others of its choice, members or non-members, and take legal
action to either protect or defend the Club’s rights. The signatures of two Committee members
are needed to commit the Club in this way.
V. Finance
Art. 15. The annual subscription, which must not exceed EUR 200, will be fixed by the General
Art. 16. The Committee will present the accounts annually to the General Meeting for its
V. Miscellaneous
Art. 17. If the Club is dissolved the General Meeting will decide what is to happen to its assets,
giving preference to activities connected to its aims.
Art. 18. Everything which is not covered by the provisions above is governed by the law of 7
August 2023 regulating asbls, a copy of which is available to all members.
Section Subtitle
Constitution dated 1982 as amended on 22.11.2023
(rough translation into English)
Please see Original French Constitution for official Statutes
Preliminary note: further statutory changes are being processed in order to reflect the new law on ASBL of 7 August 2023
New World Theatre Club
Association sans but lucratif
I.Name, Seat and Aim
Art. 1. The association is called the New World Theatre Club (NWTC) asbl.
Art. 2. The seat is established in Luxembourg at a point designated by the Committee
Art. 3. The aim of the Club is to promote all forms of Anglophone theatrical activity.
II.Members and Honorary Members
Art. 4. The minimum number of Members is 5.
Art. 5. Anyone who wishes to be and agrees to accept the constitution and the decisions of the Committee, is eligible to be a Member. Membership is certified by a copy of a bank virement or a receipt issued by the Club. Anyone who wishes to be and agrees to accept the constitution and the decisions of the Committee about their membership, is eligible to be an Honorary Member. However Honorary Members do not have any of the voting rights of Ordinary Members.
Art. 6. Membership is lost by:
a letter of resignation to the Committee;
not paying membership dues within 3 months of their due date;
expulsion for serious reasons given by the Committee and approved by a General Meeting.
III.General Meetings
Art. 7. A General Meeting will be held each year in June. A meeting can also be convened by the Committee or, within a month, on the request of 20% of the membership.
Art. 8. The quorum for a General Meeting to take place is 15% of ordinary members.
Art. 9. Members must be informed by written notice about General Meetings, two weeks in advance. The mailing must include the agenda. Resolutions which are not on the agenda can only be considered if two thirds of the members present at the General Meeting agree to vote on them. This excludes cases expressly regulated by the law of 21 April 1928.
Art. 10. All members may be represented at a General Meeting by another member with written authorisation. Any member may represent two (2) absent members.
Art. 11. The decisions of the General Meeting will be brought to the attention of Members and others by written notice via any printed and/or electronic media deemed acceptable by the current committee and/or recorded in the meeting minutes held available for consultation at the registered office of the a.s.b.l. and/or the Club website.
IV.The Committee
Art. 12. The Club is administered by a Committee of between 5 and 15 members, chosen at a
General Meeting and holding their position until the next General Meeting. Retiring Committee Members can be reappointed. The General Meeting must also approve the choice of an auditor, whose mandate expires at the next General Meeting, but who can be reappointed. If there are vacancies, the committee can re-place members provisionally until the next General Meeting. It can also co-opt members as long as the total number of committee members does not exceed the maximum given above.
Art. 13. The Committee will choose a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer from amongst its members. It will establish internal procedures to ensure that its work proceeds smoothly.
Art. 14. The Committee holds all the powers for the administration and management of the Club not expressly reserved to the General Assembly by law or by statute. In this framework, the Committee can in particular unilaterally sign contracts and dispose of the goods and assets of the Club, confer such powers on others of its choice, members or non-members, and take legal action to either protect or defend the Club’s rights. The signatures of two Committee members are needed to commit the Club in this way.
Art. 15. The annual subscription, which must not exceed EUR 200, will be fixed by the General Meeting.
Art. 16. The Committee will present the accounts annually to the General Meeting for its approval.
Art. 17. If the Club is dissolved the General Meeting will decide what is to happen to its assets, giving preference to activities connected to its aims.
18. Everything which is not covered by the provisions above is governed by the law of 21 April 1928 regulating asbls, a copy of which is available to all members.
Texte coordonné et modifié des statuts arrêtés à l’assemblée générale extraordinaire du 22 novembre 2023 modifiant les statuts de NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB a. s. b. l. arrêtés à l’assemblée générale constitutive du 9 février 1982 (publication au Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés sous le numéro F226).
Pour le texte entier:
Association sans but lucratif
I. - Dénomination, Siège, Objet social
Art. 1er. L'association est dénommée « NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB » (NWTC) A. s. b. l.
Art. 2. Le siège social est établi à Luxembourg, à l'endroit désigné par le conseil
Art. 3. Elle a pour objet la promotion de toute forme d'activité théâtrale anglophone. A cette fin, elle pourra organiser des ateliers de théâtre, des représentations théâtrales et organiser ou participer à des échanges et rencontres sur le thème du théâtre, tant au Luxembourg qu’à l’étranger, ainsi que plus généralement toute opération pouvant se rattacher directement ou
indirectement à cet objet social, pour son compte ou pour le compte de tiers, soit seule, soit
avec des tiers.
II. - Membres associés et membres d'honneur
Art. 4. Le nombre minimum des membres associés est fixé à cinq.
Art. 5. Sont admissibles comme membres associés, désignés comme « membres» dans les
présents statuts, toutes personnes en manifestant la volonté, déterminées à observer les
présents statuts et agréées par le conseil d'administration. L'admission est constatée par la
réception d'une copie du virement bancaire ou d'un reçu fourni par l’Association.
Sont admissibles comme membres d'honneur) toutes personnes en manifestant la volonté,
agréées par le conseil d'administration et remplissant les conditions que celui-ci fixera à leur
admission. Néanmoins, les membres d'honneur n'exercent aucune des prérogatives prévues
par la loi et les présents statuts en faveur des membres associés.
Art. 6. La qualité d'associé se perd par:
1) démission adressée par écrit au conseil d'administration;
2) le refus de verser les cotisations annuelles dans les trois mois suivant échéance;
3) l'exclusion pour motifs graves prononcée par le conseil d'administration et approuvée par
l'assemblée générale.
III. - Assemblée générale
Art. 7. L'assemblée générale se réunit annuellement au mois de juin. Elle peut en outre être
convoquée par décision du conseil d'administration ou, et ce endéans un mois, sur demande
d'un cinquième des membres.
Art. 8. Pour que l'assemblée générale puisse être tenue, le quorum de participation est 15%
des membres associés.
Art. 9. Les membres sont convoqués par avis postal écrit quinze jours à l'avance. Les
convocations contiennent l’ordre du jour. Des résolutions en dehors de l'ordre du jour ne
peuvent être prises que si une majorité des deux tiers des voix émises par les membres
présents marque son accord pour procéder à un vote sur elles. Sont réservés les cas réglés
expressément par la loi du 7 août 2023.
Art. 10. Tout membre peut se faire représenter à l'assemblée générale par un autre membre,
muni d'une procuration écrite. Aucun membre ne peut représenter plus de deux membres
Art. 11. Les décisions de l'assemblée générale sont portées à la connaissance des membres
et des tiers par notification écrite via tout média imprimé et/ou électronique jugé acceptable
par le comité et/ou par procès-verbal conservé au siège social de l’association et/ou son site
internet pour consultation.
IV. - Conseil d’Administration
Art. 12. L'association est administrée par un conseil d'administration composé de cinq
membres au moins et de quinze membres au plus, nommés par l'assemblée générale
jusqu'à la prochaine assemblée générale annuelle. Les administrateurs sortants sont
rééligibles. L'assemblée doit également approuver le choix d'un commissaire aux comptes
dont le mandat finit à la prochaine assemblée, et qui est rééligible. En cas de vacance, le
conseil peut pourvoir provisoirement au remplacement de ses membres, en attendant la
prochaine assemblée générale. Il peut: en outre coopter des membres supplémentaires,
pour autant que le nombre total ne soit pas supérieur au nombre maximum indiqué ci-
Art. 13. Le conseil choisit parmi ses membres un président, un secrétaire et un trésorier. Il
établit un règlement interne assurant un bon déroulement de ses travaux.
Art. 14. Pour l’administration et la gestion de l'association, le conseil d'administration a tous
les pouvoirs qui ne sont pas expressément réservés à l'assemblée générale par la loi ou les
statuts. Dans ce cadre, il peut notamment passer tous contrats ou actes engageant
l'association, conférer tous pouvoirs spéciaux à des mandataires de son choix, associés ou
non, plaider tant en demandant qu'en défendant toute juridiction et exécuter tous jugements,
transiger, compromettre. Les signatures conjointes de deux administrateurs engagent
valablement l'association.